
Methylrosaniline chloride is Deleted, Japan Partial Revision of the “List of hair dye additives”

Japan has partially revised the " List of Additives for Hair Dye " (Pharmaceutical Evaluation Notification No. 0930 No. 3 dated September 30, 2021...

Japan Partial Revision of the List of Additives for Quasi-drugs

The List of Additives for Quasi -drugs was partially revised by Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on Dec.23 2022. The Additives list...

Japan MHLW announce Partial revision of “Quasi-drug Ingredients Standard 2006”

On September 12, 2019, a notice was posted on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare database to indicate the Partial revision of "Quasi-drug...

Japan MHLW enhance the complaince obligation of Eyelash Serums

In response to the Japan National Consumer Affairs Center’s (NCAC) safety warning on the use of eyelash serum: "The harm caused by eyelash serum...

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