
Methylrosaniline chloride is Deleted, Japan Partial Revision of the “List of hair dye additives”

Japan has partially revised the " List of Additives for Hair Dye " (Pharmaceutical Evaluation Notification No. 0930 No. 3 dated September 30, 2021...

Japan Partial Revision of the List of Additives for Quasi-drugs

The List of Additives for Quasi -drugs was partially revised by Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on Dec.23 2022. The Additives list...

Japan MHLW announce the Notes on the use of hair removers(Depilatories)

In response to the Japan National Consumer Affairs Center’s (NCAC) warning on the use of hair removal agents about the topic: "Be careful of...

Japan MHLW announce Partial revision of “Quasi-drug Ingredients Standard 2006”

On September 12, 2019, a notice was posted on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare database to indicate the Partial revision of "Quasi-drug...

Japan MHLW enhance the complaince obligation of Eyelash Serums

In response to the Japan National Consumer Affairs Center’s (NCAC) safety warning on the use of eyelash serum: "The harm caused by eyelash serum...

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