South Korea

KPTA release Custom Made Cosmetics Sales Guideline (Civil Complaint Guide)

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety amends and implements the Cosmetics Act ('20.3.14.'). In the amendment, the customized cosmetics sales business system was...

Note: The Partial Amendment on Cosmetics Safety Standards are Came to effect on April 18, 2020

Since the articles on Cosmetic Safety Standards were partially amended on October 17, 2019, Korea Pharmaceutical Traders Association(KTPA) notify the new amendment for the...

South Korea Cosmetic Regulation – The Cosmetics Act

This article aims to provide you a general understanding of how South Korea cosmetics are regulated. Due to the major change of the overarching...

Korea KPTA introduce [Guidelines for Safety Data on Cosmetics for Infants and Children]

In associated with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of South Korea's announcement on the partial amendments to the Enforcement rule of the...

South Korea MFDS announce Partial Amendment to the [Enforcement Rule of the Cosmetic Act]

On March 13, 2020,  the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety from South Korea has announced the amendments to the Enforcement rule of the Cosmetic...

[Important]Korea MFDS strengthen the safety of cosmetics for infants and children by amend partial Enforcement rule of the Cosmetic Act

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of South Korea announced on the partial amendments to the Enforcement rule of the Cosmetic Act which strengthen...

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